Do, mi aeth o o'r diwedd a'r ddynas beryg na efo fo!, Cherie, nid Hilary Armstrong (er swn i'm yn lecio dwad ar ei thraws hitha yn hwyr yn nos chwaith!). Cyn i chi feddwl eich bod chi yn mynd i gael dadansoddiad arall o'i ddegawd o wrth y llyw, waeth i mi gyfadde ddim, esgus ydi hwn i gael rant arall am un o'r pethau sy'n gwneud i fy ngwaed ferwi tra 'dwi'n gyrru. Ymhlith petha eraill mi fydd Blair yn cael ei gofio am ASBOS - acronym amlyca ei gyfnod yn Downing Street (ac eithrio WMD falla). Mae pob math o bobl wedi cael gorchymyn gwrth-gymdeithasol dros y blynyddoedd dwytha. Mi welis i raglen ddogfen neithiwr am hogyn 13 oed gafodd un am godi twrw ar stad dai yn Salford tra'n smocio ei ffordd at gansyr yr ysgyfaint. Ac yma yng Nghymru mae'n siwr fod rhai ohonoch chi wedi clywed am y nain yn ei 80au o Sir Fynwy gafodd fwy nag un am hambygio ei chymdogion. Ond, os ydi Gordon Brown am ddatblygu'r polisi yma ymhellach dwi'n galw arno fo rwan i sicrhau bod gyrrwyr anghwrtais yn cael ASBO yn awtomatig. Sawl gwaith dwi di gneud lle i rywun basio ac i ffwrdd a nhw heb gydnabod y gymwynas !! Be sy'n anodd mewn codi llaw yn sydyn wrth basio, neu nodio pen ?? Gwen sa'n g'neud tro ! A'r hyn sy'n fy siomi fwyaf - yn amlach na pheidio pobl hyn sy'n fwya euog ! Pa esiampl ydi hynna i'n gyrrwyr ifanc ni ? Gord, mi ddyfynais di arwyddair dy ysgol - Felly, g'na dy orau !
Friday, 29 June 2007
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[b]Christian Louboutin[/b] is a French footwear designer whose footwear has incorporated shiny, red-lacquered soles that have enhance his signature.
Louboutin helped cause stilettos abet into look in the 1990s and 2000s, sly dozens of styles with bastard heights of 120mm (4.72 inches) and higher. The deviser's professed objective has been to "make a run for it a sweetie look erotic, charming, to create her legs look as extensive as [he] can." While he does put up for sale some lower-heeled styles, Louboutin is principally associated with his dressier evening-wear designs incorporating jeweled straps, bows, feathers, patent leather, red soles and other nearly the same decorative touches. He is most universally known for his red-bottom excessive stump shoes, commonly referred to as "sammy red-bottoms." Christian Louboutin's red-bottom identification jus gentium 'universal law' is registered as Pantone 18-663 TPX.
Consideration being known in the service of his famousness clients, he seldom gives shoes away – sacrifice discounts instead to his high-profile fans. This policy also extends to his personal family tree, because he feels that giving shoes away as gifts is unimaginative.
His unique biggest shopper is Danielle Sword, who is reputed to own over 6,000 pairs and is known to deliver purchased up 80 pairs at a circumstance when shopping at his stores.
(с) [url=]Christian Louboutin[/url]
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